Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Too much reality ...

Ever have one of those days?  A day where your reality just seems to be too much reality?  Sometimes I find myself here.  I try my best to be positive, to put on a happy face and push forward but some days it seems almost impossible.  Please pardon my ranting but, I need to let it out.

I have four children, three who have type 1 diabetes.  I do my best to stay positive even when it seems impossible but, sometimes the "happy" just isn't there.  I feel like I have no control over this disease at all.  No matter how many alarms I set, how careful I am to count carbs and bolus there just is no rhyme or reason.  So many others post and blog but I find it leaving me even more frustrated.  Am I the only one who finds out their child lied about a blood test?  Lied about taking a shot or bolusing?  Forgot that they need a blood test or insulin?  Are we the only ones struggling with higher A1C's?  Why do I feel like I am drowning in a see of diabetes?  How can I manage this better and have better results?  I have found local support group meetings unbearable.  Sometimes I can't bring myself to look at facebook.  Am I the only one struggling?

I am sure I am not.  Why can't we, as parents, be honest about this subject?  I know I need support right now but, I haven't been able to find it.  So, if you are suffering from too much reality, please message me, email me, talk to me.  Maybe we can walk this rough patch together.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently I was a bit too teary when typing this to notice my typo's!
